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Voice icon
Wholesale Voice
Partner Wholesale Networks can setup customers with all the unified communications tools they require, enable PSTN services (simple phone line), or multiple line SIP trunks for business customers as well as inbound services such as Freecall 1800, Priority One3, Priority 1300, and International Freecall
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    Hosted PBX
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    Cloud Unified Communications
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    Inbound Services
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Learn more about Wholesale Voice
Data Icon
Wholesale Data
Partner Wholesale Networks allows you to offer your customers the very best connectivity products and services such as NBN, ethernet and data networks from a range of carriers including; Telstra, Optus, AAPT/TPG, NBN Co or Vocus.
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    5G Internet & Data
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    Fibre & Dark Fibre
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    IP- VPN
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    SD- WAN
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Learn more about Wholesale Data
Cloud Services Icon
Cloud Services
Cloud Services is a broad term for a range of products – including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence delivered over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources and economies of scale.
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    Cloud Unified Communications - UC7
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    Video Conferencing - Webex
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    Webex Calling & Teams
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    Cisco Meraki
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    Microsoft Teams
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    Microsoft Teams Calling
Learn more about Cloud Services
Mobile icon
Wholesale Mobile
Partner Wholesale Networks has access to mobile products from Telstra & Optus providing mobile coverage of more than 98.8% of the population with 3G and 97.9% of the population with 4G.
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    Telstra 4G
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    Optus 4G
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    Internet of Things (Machine to Machine)
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    Internet of Things (Machine to Machine)
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    Satellite Technologies
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    PWN Wholesale Data Sharing
Learn more about Wholesale Mobile
Hardware icon
Partner Wholesale Networks can provide your customers with a wide range of hardware solutions from industry leading brands including; Microsoft & Microsoft Surface, Yealink, Ubiquiti, Cisco and Jabra
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    Hardware Installation & Training
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    Microsoft Surface Pro
Learn more about Hardware
Internet of Things (IoT) icon
Internet of Things (IoT)
Differentiate your product offering, leveraging the value add solutions that you bring to the market wrapped around this unique offering to generate additional revenue streams.
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    IoT Location Tracking
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    IoT Asset Monitoring
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    IoT Field Servicing
Learn more about IoT

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