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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence involves replicating human intellectual processes through machines, especially computers. There are many applications of AI, such as expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has created new opportunities to progress on critical issues such as health, education, and the environment. In some cases, AI may do things more efficiently than is possible with human users.“Smart” buildings, vehicles, and other technologies can decrease carbon emissions and support people with disabilities.a subset of AI, has enabled engineers to build robots, drones, self driving cars and autonomous machinery such as fruit pickers.

There are four main types of Artificial Intelligence;

Reactive Machines

Reactive machines are AI systems that have no memory and are task specific, meaning that an input always delivers the same output.  Machine Learning Models tend to use Reactive Machine AI because they take customer data, such as purchase or search history, and use it to deliver recommendations to the same customers. A good example of this in a commercial use would be Netflix Recommendation Engine which takes a customers viewing history, as well as other customers watching similar programs to determine specific movies and television programs they might also enjoy.

Limited memory & Deep Learning

Limited Memory AI tries to imitate the way our brains process information and tries to replicate how our brains know more as they receive more data to train on. Deep learning on the other hand is also known as neural organized learning and happens when artificial neural networks learn from large volumes of data. Deep learning algorithms perform tasks repeatedly, tweaking them each time to improve the outcome. The algorithms depend on vast amounts of data to drive "learning." An example of this in use would be Facial Recognition Software which is used across a range of software application in everything from tagging people on social media to crucial security measures. Deep learning allows algorithms to function accurately despite cosmetic changes such as hairstyles, beards, or poor lighting. In the last 12 months more people have been discovering AI Image generation which can range from stylising existing new images through to generating new images based on text input.

Theory of mind

While Reactive Machine and Limited Memory/Deep Learning models of AI currently exist in commercial applications, Theory of the Mind is mostly theoretical at this stage. It refers to how we as humans understand how our own thoughts and emotions can affect others and how others can also affect us. It forms the basis of person to person relationships.  Theory of mind


Self-awareness is thought to take Theory of mind another step further and allow the design of systems that have a sense of self. This goes a step beyond theory of mind AI and understanding emotions, to being aware of themselves, their state of being, and being able to sense or predict others’ feelings. For example, “I’m hungry” becomes “I know I am hungry” or “I want to eat lasagna because it’s my favorite food.”

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